Holy Family Institute is a year-round, private school satellite program (PSP) based out of Orange County, California. Our program here at Holy Family Institute is for homeschooling families where parents have chosen to provide an independent, home-based education for their children in grades K—12. Holy Family Institute is a Catholic homeschool program and offers administrative services, guidance and social support to parents who choose to educate their children in accordance with the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Holy Family also welcomes families belonging to like-minded, Catholic-friendly religions.
Holy Family Institute supports the primary right and duty of parents to choose the form of education for their children. Holy Family assists them in their choice of a Christ‐centered education that fosters the art and love of learning. We encourage member families to support and minister to each other within the wider support of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.
The families of Holy Family Institute have chosen an alternative classical style of education, with the understanding that parents are the most competent persons to determine the true needs and talents of their children. Parents have the consequent responsibility of ensuring that their children are equipped to be responsible members of society and committed disciples of Christ in the Church. Parents, moreover, have the right and duty to educate their children in the Faith.