California Legislative Information
The new California Public Health and Vaccination Bill, SB 277, goes into effect for the school year 2016-2017 and exempts families from required immunizations who homeschool privately, i.e. through a private school satellite program such as Holy Family Institute. Therefore, for those who choose not to immunize their children, Holy Family Institute will not require you to file a medical exemption with us.
Holy Family Institute is not responsible for advising on how SB 277 may affect your participation in classes or co-ops not affiliated with HFI. It is incumbent upon each parent to learn if those organizations are exempt or not from SB 277.
Q&A From http://www.shotsforschool.org/laws/sb277faq/
New law (SB277) for 2016 and future years
In 2016, what are the changes to the immunization requirements for children entering child care or school?
Starting January 1, 2016:
- Parents or guardians of students in any school or child-care facility, whether public or private, will no longer be allowed to submit a personal beliefs exemption to a currently-required vaccine.
- Students will no longer be required to have immunizations for entry if they attend:
♦ A home-based private school or
♦ An independent study program and do not receive classroom-based instruction.
However, parents or guardians must continue to provide immunization records for these students to their schools, and schools must continue to maintain and report records of immunizations that have been received for these students.
- The immunization requirements do not prohibit pupils from accessing special education and related services required by their individualized education programs.
When does the law take effect?
January 1, 2016.
Where can I review the new law?
The language of Senate Bill 277 (Pan, 2015) is available at:
Which facilities are affected by the new law in 2016 and future years?
Whether public or private, all California schools and child-care facilities, including child-care centers, day nurseries, nursery schools, family day care homes, and development centers, are subject to new and existing laws in California.